Saturday, May 23, 2009


Building my way up....let's start at the beginning(which is my currently level, but hey I have only been riding for a couple of years so I'm not en expert)
*got this in a magazine I was reading but made it my own:)
How To Get On The Bit which also means a horse that carries himself -he doesn't pull on your hands and he doesn't stare at the sky(avoiding all contact with the bit).
He listens to your cues and responds to both your legs and hands. Accepts contact with the bit with a closed mouth and relaxed neck, poll and jaw.
Some riders think that the way to get a horse on the bit is to pull on the reins, bit it requires a LOT more work than that. A horse can't get on the bit unless he responds to your seat and legs(which is what I have to work on). Your legs generate the forward movement and energy needed to get your horse on the bit. Use your legs to push him forward then capture the forward energy between your hands and legs.
When your horse listens to your legs, he moves with more energy, his withers get higher, his back becomes rounder and he arches his neck. Then his poll reaches forward and he takes a soft contact with the bit.
If you have got quiet, soft hands, your horse will relax his jaw and flex at the poll. This makes him hold the head vertically instead of holding it out in front of him.
The key to gettin' your horse on the bit is energy. If he doesn't have his engine in gear, he won't get anywhere. Get the energy by revving him up with your legs. Then take a soft feel of his mouth with your hands and slowly take up more contact to drive him into the bit.
When your horse accepts the contact, keep your hands steady and even until he's perfectly balanced between the pressure of your legs and his mouth.

Rolex Dreams

Well here's my new blog!
Hope you follow like my other one:)
Here I will have bigger and better posts and they will all be buliding up to my dreams 'ROLEX'!
Which WILL not be for many years to come but a girl can dream can't she!?